One acquaintance I have that makes $250000 a year has 2 Porches, a Volvo SUV, a condo in Decatur, a rental in Marietta, a home in Lake Tahoe, and just sold a home in Hawaii. He and his wife also go on four or five vacations a year. He's a hospital administrator. Good health insurance too.
No inheritance, just averaging $250000 a year. $250000 a year is 2.5 million dollars every 10 years. Rich is relative, I guess, and John and Cindy McCain have a lot of rich relatives.
If Joe the plumber is getting ready to buy a plumbing company, I'm going to do a guestimate thusly: 20-30 employees, a location, some vans and a good location. A Google search came up with this one:
Plumbing Company for Sale:
Asking price: $6,285,000 (Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included)
- Sales revenue:$8,572,776
- Net profit:$2,313,905-- this is what Joe is hoping to make and God Bless you brother I hope you DO! You go. But you have to agree that a net profit of $2.3 million dollars a year means you're pretty freakin' rich.
So yes, Senator McCain, someone who knocks down $250000 a year, to me, is doing pretty damn well, and apparently Joe the Plumber is doing fine.
However, the obvious insane lack of appreciation that John McCain has for all the rest of us who are lucky to pull down enough to barely pay the bills is what separates people like John McCain from people like me.
I actually believe that 'rich' would be enough money to pay the mortgage, enough money to fill the tank, enough money to pay the doctor. Enough money to pay my taxes.
Is that too much to ask? John McCain is so wealthy that he just wouldn't have a clue about the other 96% of the people in the United States of America.
I guess you are what you eat. If Senator McCain wants to live on a diet of Karl Rovian 'conservative' politics, it is no wonder his campaign needs a plumber.
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