Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CNN Exploits the Weakness of Your Mind

The fallacies of CNN's broadcast ethics are easy to find -- if you just try. But why do the producers want you to be deceived?

Take the Acorn 'Scandal' as reported by CNN: There are levels of fraud: Voter registration fraud, voter fraud, and election fraud.

In 'voter registration fraud', you sign up Minnie Mouse. It is unlikely Minnie Mouse will actually be allowed to vote, so voter registration fraud is unlikely to cause a problem in itself. If you start a grass-roots Republican organization right now to sign up people to vote, you will get some erroneous names. But they most likely will not be able to vote fraudulently.

'Voter fraud' means someone actually voted fraudulently. Note the 'actually'.

'Election fraud' would indicate that widespread voter fraud has caused an election to be invalid. This requires vast effort and coordination with intent to put someone in office who was not elected by the people.

Just because Acorn signs up every cartoon character on the planet, how do you know that this benefits Democrats? The cartoon world could vote Republican just as easily. Therefore, unless you do not think it is an 'American Ideal' to vote, registration does not in and of itself benefit one party. i.e. this is not a Democratic Scandal.

Why do you think Lou Dobbs named the topic of his piece on Acorn 'Election Fraud'? And then ties to whole thing to Barack Obama?

First, it is a lie. Unless I have time-warped, there hasn't been an election yet, how can there be Election Fraud? So, there is no defense, it isn't smart marketing, sharp-edged production values or anything else. It is a lie.

On the other hand, I have heard very little about the Diebold/Premier ELECTION FRAUD that took place in Georgia (a few blocks from CNN in Fulton County) and there are plenty of people in Atlanta that know what happened. Try searching for Spoonamore and McConnell. Mr. Spoonamore is telling who did it, how it was done and how it is going to happen again. The 2004 and 2006 elections in Georgia were fraudulent.

However, on CNN, Acorn signing up Minnie Mouse becomes 'Election Fraud'.

Lou Dobbs used every wedge issue he could find to bolster Hillary's campaign, and he is at it now promoting McCain. So he doesn't care about Republican or Democrat, he is just anti-Obama.

Anderson Cooper has a very similar 'Voter Fraud' campaign about Acorn and the piece I saw had one 'conservative investigator', and no counter-balancing 'liberal' opinion.

I would like to know how many times on CNN I have seen Reverend Wright say, "God Damn America." He actually said it once. And Barack Obama didn't leave the church at the moment it happened. He should have.

Todd and Sarah Palin have been very close to the Alaska Independence Party, a political party advocating removal of Alaska from the United States. The party's founder, Joe Vogler said, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American." He also said "I've got no use for America or her damned institutions" and "I won't be buried under their damned flag."

Joe Vogler died trying to buy plastic explosives to achieve his goals. Obviously he was very committed to his ideals.

"I won't be buried under their damn flag" sounds a lot like "God damn America."

Todd Palin was a member of that party for over 7 years. Sarah Palin taped a statement to be used at the AIP's 2008 convention. These aren't theoretical terrorists, Joe Vogler advocated bombing US interests to achieve his.

Not that they haven't, but I have never seen CNN mention it. If it has been mentioned, how many times compared to the Rev. Wright's common appearance as a CNN star.

I'll stop at these two examples. I have many more.

What is wrong at CNN? What is wrong with our society that business interests play upon the time-strapped US public and fill them with disinformation that does not seem to benefit the citizens?

Worse, my fellow Americans do not deluge CNN with mail decrying the obvious distortion. Grow a backbone, people. We have work to do in this world.

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