Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain -- the Rich Man's Socialist

Gas will continue down until the election. It did last time. It did the time before. There won't be any investigation as long as the GOP is in control of the government.

There will be very little reporting on the fraud perpetrated by those who run the financial systems. Oh, of course there will be a bone tossed to the faithful once in a while, but nothing substantial.

The GOP and its cronies haven't done a damn thing about abortion, gay marriage or all those non-white people running around, irritating the Rush Limbaugh crowd, now have they?


The GOP is a fraud. Their 'conservative' credentials are a fraud. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!

They are a fraud and a sham. They do not care about you. They care about thier extremely rich base -- the 'haves and have mores' as W Bush stated. It is a fraud.

Speaking of fraud, McCain's claim of Obama's 'socialism' is completely contradicted by the Economic Policy Institute's assessment of the distribution of wealth created by the tax cuts of 2006:

Wealthiest Americans will receive most of the benefits
from the planned tax cuts

Congress is debating taxes on wealth this spring, specifically whether to cut taxes on capital gains, dividends, and estates. Recently published Federal Reserve data on the distribution of wealth make it clear that most of the benefits from such tax cuts will go to a very narrow slice of the population, the wealthiest of America's wealthy.1

America's 112 million families had combined wealth of $50.3 trillion in 2004. When those families are ranked by the size of their wealth, however, the top 1%2 alone held $16.8 trillion in wealth, more than a third of the United States' total wealth and more than the $15.3 trillion held by 90% of U.S. families. The top 1% had average wealth of $15 million per family in contrast to the $22,800 average wealth of the least wealthy 50% of families or the $313,500 in wealth for families ranked between 50% and 90%.

Homes accounted for more than a third of American families' assets. Primary residences are the asset with the least-skewed ownership, with the top 1% owning primary homes worth $1.9 trillion and the bottom 90% owning $11.8 trillion. That is not the case, however, when it comes to ownership of second homes, a far greater source of wealth for the top 1% ($1.1 trillion) than the bottom 90% ($0.02 trillion).

An examination of other types of assets reveals why cutting taxes on capital gains, dividends, and inheritances favor such a small share of the population. Those three forms of income and wealth are largely associated with three kinds of assets: stock in publicly traded companies, ownership of closely held businesses, and nonresidential real estate. The top 1% of families owned 37% of all stocks, 62% of all closely held businesses, and 47% of nonresidential real estate. Percentages for the bottom 90% were 21%, 10%, and 24%, respectively.

These are the tax cuts McCain wants to double down on. This is socialism on a scale never seen in human history.

And the $700 BILLION the American tax payers will pay to bail out the financial system from those who are the greediest beings in the world?

So who are we bailing out? The ultra-rich at AIG and on Wall Street.

Listen: Those of you who are in the other 99% are not going to benefit from McCain's policies. It is a lie. Think about those who are for it: Rush Limbaugh -- a stupendously rich celebrity and recovering drug addict. George Bush -- a stupendously rich recovering alchoholic frat-boy who disappeared when asked to serve his country. Rupert Murdoch -- a stupendously rich AUSTRAILIAN who mucks around in American politics.

Quite a huge percentage of stupendously rich WHITE men and women are for McCain.

Why not? They've had the benefit of GOP and George Bush's redistribution of what little wealth the other 99% used to have. That is socialism for a very limited social group.

Is your 401 K better off? Is your house value better off? Is your stock portfolio better off? Are your retirement chances better off?

The GOP had the congress for 12 years, and the presidency for the last 8. I doubt that even Karl Rove can effectively blame this on the Democrats of the last 2 years -- they don't have a majority in the Senate and Bush vetoes everything they do.

If you still believe the GOP and the Karl Rovian machine, ask yourself: Why do your finances suck so bad now? Why? Think! It may be hard after so long of letting Rush Limbaugh do it for you, but try to think, damn it! They aren't really for Jesus and they aren't really for YOU!

They have redistributed the wealth of the entire United States TO THEMSELVES!!!

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