If you put a frog in a pot and then slowly turn up the heat, it will stay there until it dies.
In the USA, the citizens have been having the heat turned up daily, but they don't jump.
The attack on 9/11 was predicted and ignored. The terrorists were investigated and left alone.
Ralph Reed uses Jesus to block one casino while Abramoff builds another one. Win/win, I guess.
Bush trumps up war. Can't find Osama. Begins to lose Afghanistan while marching back and forth in Iraq. Can't get anywhere. Can't find WMDs. Can't find Osama. Changes his story -- wasn't WMDs, it was democracy.
Osama puts out an audio recording: Stop fighting each other, the US is the enemy. Sunnis say stop. Shia say stop. Things start quieting down. Finally Bush/McCain put out the surge which just brings the troops back to the level they started out at. Flash: Mission Accomplished -- the surge stops the civil war. Now it's just a few insurgents blowing themselves up because they believe in God. But not the right God. So who cares?
401K is half what it was. Gas is four times what it was. What business are the President and Vice President in? Bridges are crashing. Deficits are at 500BILLIONDOLLARSAYEAR. Another 700 goes to the middle east or Venezuela.
Two thirds of the US hates the other third depending on which half you ask.
Inflation is back. According to the Republicans, two years isn't nearly enough time for Bush to head off the damage from the Clinton era, but it's more than enough for the Dems to destroy all the hard work (see above) Bush/Cheney have put in.
Nearly every precept that the USA was founded on was tested, bent, broken, lied about, dissembled, twisted, reverse-psychologized and generally spat upon whilst calling everyone who could see the disgusting display for what it was: 'assisters to the enemy but not traitors.' Not 'unpatriotic' but 'unhelpful to America and helpful to Americas enemies.'
Sounds a lot like calling someone a traitor, but as usual, they just skirt the issue so they can raise their eyebrows and give that GOP condescending smile.
Oh yeah, and if someone finds out you're lying, just ruin their careers and personal life. Including people who put their lives on the line as CIA operatives if it helps your ambitions of stealing everything the US citizens ever had. Meanwhile calling everyone else unpatriotic-ish and trator-ish.
So what if Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin and many more said that torture, unsupported war, inscription, taxes and hidden government were the specific reason that we were leaving the fold of the British, GEORGE FRIGGING BUSH decides that those little precepts aren't particularly important.
He spent more that half of the entire product of the US doing it. He doesn't have to worry about paying it back by raising taxes because he just fleeced the entire US government for 4 or 5 trillion dollars and now he can sit back laughing with the haves and have-mores and watch the poor presidents and residents who follow him attempt to pay the bill. Laughing all the while as his buddies go on the talk shows calling people (who are trying to clean up the train wreck he created) 'tax-hikers.'
Screw the planet. You'd have to raise taxes to fix that crap, and that ain't going to happen, now is it? It would cut into our profits. It would be regulation.
It's the ultimate corporate raid and sell off involving the ENTIRE UNITED STATES.
But let's bring it home: "Vote for Bush," the guy bagging groceries in the Publix told us in the year 2000. He stuck a few more items in the bag on top of the bread. "Unless you want your entire income and 401k to end up in somebody else's pocket."
Right prediction. Lying Republicans who just wanted to correct a little miscalculation where the little people actually got a few rewards seem to have caused the problem. Either that or a Jack Bauer fetish.
So, when will the Republican frogs start jumping, or do they just boil away?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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Interesting to know.
Thanks for the comment, Tirza! Glad you got something out of it.
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